The Word Am I

The Third Book of Moses: Leviticus

Geneva Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 9 -

And in the eight day Moses called Aaron and his sonnes, and the Elders of Israel:
Then hee sayde vnto Aaron, Take thee a yong calfe for a sinne offring, and a ram for a burnt offring, both without blemish, and bring them before the Lord.
And vnto the children of Israel thou shalt speake, saying, Take yee an hee goate for a sinne offring, and a calfe, and a lambe, both of a yeere olde, without blemish for a burnt offring:
Also a bullock, and a ramme for peace offringes, to offer before the Lord, and a meate offring mingled with oyle: for to day the Lord will appeare vnto you.
Then they brought that which Moses commanded before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and all the assembly drewe neere and stood before the Lord.
(For Moses had sayde, This is the thing, which the Lord commanded that ye should do, and the glory of the Lord shall appeare vnto you)
Then Moses sayd vnto Aaron, Draw neere to the Altar, and offer thy sinne offering, and thy burnt offring, and make an attonement for thee and for the people: offer also the offring of the people, and make an atonement for them, as the Lord hath commanded.
Aaron therefore went vnto the Altar, and killed the calfe of the sinne offring, which was for himselfe.
And the sonnes of Aaron brought ye blood vnto him, and he dipt his finger in the blood, and put it vpon the hornes of the Altar, and powred the rest of the blood at the foote of the Altar.
But the fat and the kidneis and the kall of the liuer of the sinne offring, he burnt vpon the Altar, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The flesh also and the hide hee burnt with fire without the hoste.
After, he slewe the burnt offering, and Aarons sonnes brought vnto him the blood, which he sprinckled round about vpon the Altar.
Also they brought the burnt offring vnto him with the pieces thereof, and the head, and he burnt them vpon the Altar.
Likewise he did wash the inwardes and the legs, and burnt them vpon the burnt offring on the Altar.
Then he offred the peoples offring, and tooke a goate, which was the sinne offring for the people, and slewe it: and offred it for sinne, as the first:
So he offred the burnt offring, and prepared it, according to the maner.
He presented also the meate offring, and filled his hand thereof, and beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning he burnt this vpon the Altar.
He slewe also the bullock, and the ram for the peace offrings, that was for the people, and Arons sonnes brought vnto him the blood, which he sprinkled vpon the Altar round about,
With the fat of the bullocke, and of the ram, the rumpe, and that which couereth the inwards and the kidneis, and the kall of the liuer.
So they layed the fat vpon the breasts, and he burnt the fat vpon the Altar.
But the breastes and the right shoulder Aaron shooke to and from before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
So Aaron lift vp his hand toward the people, and blessed them, and came downe from offring of the sinne offring, and the burnt offring, and the peace offrings.
After, Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and came out, and blessed the people, and the glorie of the Lord appeared to all the people.
And there came a fire out from the Lord and consumed vpon the Altar the burnt offring and the fatte: which when all the people sawe, they gaue thankes, and fell on their faces.
On the eighth day, Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel;
and he said to Aaron, “Take a calf from the herd for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without defect, and offer them before the LORD.
You shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘Take a male goat for a sin offering; and a calf and a lamb, both a year old, without defect, for a burnt offering;
and a bull and a ram for peace offerings, to sacrifice before the LORD; and a meal offering mixed with oil: for today the LORD appears to you.’”
They brought what Moses commanded before the Tent of Meeting. All the congregation came near and stood before the LORD.
Moses said, “This is the thing which the LORD commanded that you should do; and the LORD’s glory shall appear to you.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
So Aaron came near to the altar, and killed the calf of the sin offering, which was for himself.
The sons of Aaron presented the blood to him; and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put it on the horns of the altar, and poured out the blood at the base of the altar;
but the fat, and the kidneys, and the cover from the liver of the sin offering, he burned upon the altar, as the LORD commanded Moses.
The meat and the skin he burned with fire outside the camp.
He killed the burnt offering; and Aaron’s sons delivered the blood to him, and he sprinkled it around on the altar.
They delivered the burnt offering to him, piece by piece, and the head. He burned them upon the altar.
He washed the innards and the legs, and burned them on the burnt offering on the altar.
He presented the people’s offering, and took the goat of the sin offering which was for the people, and killed it, and offered it for sin, like the first.
He presented the burnt offering, and offered it according to the ordinance.
He presented the meal offering, and filled his hand from there, and burned it upon the altar, in addition to the burnt offering of the morning.
He also killed the bull and the ram, the sacrifice of peace offerings, which was for the people. Aaron’s sons delivered to him the blood, which he sprinkled around on the altar;
and the fat of the bull and of the ram, the fat tail, and that which covers the innards, and the kidneys, and the cover of the liver;
and they put the fat upon the breasts, and he burned the fat on the altar.
Aaron waved the breasts and the right thigh for a wave offering before the LORD, as Moses commanded.
Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people, and blessed them; and he came down from offering the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings.
Moses and Aaron went into the Tent of Meeting, and came out, and blessed the people; and the LORD’s glory appeared to all the people.
Fire came out from before the LORD, and consumed the burnt offering and the fat upon the altar. When all the people saw it, they shouted, and fell on their faces.