The Word Am I

The Wisdom of Solomon

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 8 -

Further praises of wisdom: and her fruits.

Thus, she reaches mightily from one end all the way to the other, and she orders all things sweetly.
I have loved her and searched for her from my youth, and have asked to take her to me as my spouse, and I became a lover of her form.
She glorifies her lineage by having companionship with God; yes and of all things, the Lord loves her.
For she teaches the teaching of God and is the chooser of his works.
And if riches are longed for in life, what is richer than wisdom, which is being served in all things?(a)
But if the mind is to be served, who, of all that exists, is a greater artisan than she?(b)
And if anyone loves justice, her labors hold great virtues; for she teaches temperance and prudence, justice and virtue, and nothing is more useful in human life.(c)
And if one desires a multitude of knowledge, she knows the past and forecasts the future; she knows the subtleties of conversation and the response to arguments; she understands the signs and portents, before the events take place, events both of the present time and of future ages.(d)
Therefore, I resolved to take her to me to live together, knowing that she will be a good counselor and will console my thoughts and my weariness.
Because of her, I have clarity in the midst of confusion, and honor among the elders in my youth;
and I will be found to be astute in judgment, and will be admired in the sight of the mighty, and the faces of leaders will wonder at me.
When I am silent, they will wait for me; when I speak, they will respect me; and when I talk for too long, they will put their hands on their mouths.
Thus, by means of her, I will have immortality, and I will bequeath an everlasting memorial to those who come after me.
I will set the peoples in order, and nations will be subject to me.
Hearing me, terrible kings will be afraid; to the multitude, I will be seen as good and valiant in war.
When I go into my house, I will repose myself with her, for her conversation has no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but only joy and gladness.
Thinking these things within myself, and recalling in my heart that immortality is the intention of wisdom,
and that in her friendship is good enjoyment, and in the works of her hands are honors without flaw, and in debate with her is understanding, and glory in sharing conversation with her; I went about seeking, so that I might take her to myself.
For I was an ingenious boy and had been dealt a good soul.(e)
Even more so, being good, I came to have an undefiled body.(f)
And since I know that it is not possible to be chaste except as a gift from God, and that it is a point of wisdom to know whose gift it is, I approached the Lord, and I besought him, and I said with my whole heart:


(a)8:5 Having many servants was, in ancient times, an indication of wealth and success.(Conte)
(b)8:6 Sensus could refer to the mind or to reason or to feeling.(Conte)
(c)8:7 Utilus is made comparative by the addition of the letter “i” making the word utilius, and giving the meaning “more useful.”(Conte)
(d)8:8 The latter part of this verse is somewhat loosely translated. It could also be translated: “... she understands the signs and unnatural portents, before they take place, both events of the present and future generations.” The phrase “before they take place” refers to the events, not the signs and portents. Monstra refers to unnatural things or events.(Conte)
(e)8:19 Or, an ingenious child, but one meaning of the text is that Solomon is talking about his pursuit of wisdom, hence, “an ingenious boy.” Sortitus refers to a metaphorical casting of the lots, in other words luck or good fortune in what he received. Dealt is a good modern English near-equivalent in this context, for casting of lots.(Conte)
(f)8:20 Or, a chaste body, as in the following verse.(Conte)

Further praises of wisdom: and her fruits.

But she reaches from one end to the other with full strength, and orders all things well.
I loved her and sought her from my youth. I sought to take her for my bride. I became enamoured by her beauty.
She glorifies her noble birth by living with God. The Sovereign Lord of all loves her.
For she is initiated into the knowledge of God, and she chooses his works.
But if riches are a desired possession in life, what is richer than wisdom, which makes all things?
And if understanding is effective, who more than(a) wisdom is an architect of the things that exist?
If a man loves righteousness, the fruits of wisdom’s labor(b) are virtues, for she teaches soberness, understanding, righteousness, and courage. There is nothing in life more profitable for people than these.
And if anyone longs for wide experience, she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come. She understands subtleties of speeches and interpretations of dark sayings. She foresees signs and wonders, and the issues of seasons and times.
Therefore I determined to take her to live with me, knowing that she is one who would give me good counsel, and encourage me in cares and grief.
Because of her, I will have glory among multitudes, and honor in the sight of elders, though I am young.
I will be found keen when I give judgment. I will be admired in the presence of rulers.
When I am silent, they will wait for me. When I open my lips, they will heed what I say. If I continue speaking, they will put their hands on their mouths.
Because of her, I will have immortality, and leave behind an eternal memory to those who come after me.
I will govern peoples. Nations will be subjected to me.
Dreaded monarchs will fear me when they hear of me. Among the people, I will show myself to be good, and courageous in war.
When I come into my house, I will find rest with her. For conversation with her has no bitterness, and living with her has no pain, but gladness and joy.
When I considered these things in myself, and thought in my heart how immortality is in kinship to wisdom,
and in her friendship is good delight, and in the labors of her hands is wealth that doesn’t fail, and understanding is in her companionship, and great renown in having fellowship with her words, I went about seeking how to take her to myself.
Now I was a clever child, and received a good soul.
Or rather, being good, I came into an undefiled body.
But perceiving that I could not otherwise possess wisdom unless God gave her to me— yes, and to know and understand by whom the grace is given— I pleaded with the Lord and implored him, and with my whole heart I said:


(a)8:6 Gr. she.
(b)8:7 Gr. her labors