The Word Am I

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 14 -

The evil of avarice: works of mercy are recommended, and the love of wisdom.

Blessed is the man who has not slipped because of a word from his mouth, and who has not been stung by grief because of an offense.
Happy is he who does not have sadness in his mind, and who has not fallen away from his hope.
Substance is senseless for a greedy and stingy man. And what would a spiteful man do with gold?
Whoever acquires unjustly, according to his own mind, gathers for others. For another will spend his goods lavishly.
Whoever is wicked to himself, to whom will he be good? For he will not take enjoyment in his own goods.
Whoever has ill will toward himself, nothing is more worthless than he is. But such is the reward of his wickedness.
And if he does good, he does it ignorantly and unwillingly. And in the very end, he realizes his own malice.
The eye of the spiteful man is wicked, and he averts his face and despises his own soul.
The eye of the greedy man is insatiable in his portion of iniquity. He will not be satisfied until he has consumed his own soul, withering it away.
An evil eye is directed at evil things. And he will not be satisfied by bread; instead, he will be needy and grieving at his own table.
Son, if you have anything, do good to yourself, and offer worthy oblations to God.
Remember that death has not been delayed, and that the covenant of the grave has been revealed to you. For the covenant of this world will pass away in death.(a) (b)
Do good to your friend before you die. And according to your ability, extend your hand and give to the poor.
Do not cheat yourself out of a good day, and do not let the smallest good gift pass you by.
Should you not leave it to others to divide your sorrows and labors by lot?
Give, and receive, and justify your soul.
Before your passing, accomplish justice. For in death, there is no food to be found.
All flesh grows old like the grass, and like the foliage that springs forth from a green tree.
Some spring up, and others fall away. Such is the generation of flesh and blood. One is finished, and another is born.
Every corruptible work will fail in the end. And its worker will go with it.
But every excellent work will be justified. And whoever worked it will be honored by it.
Blessed is the man who will abide in wisdom, and who will meditate on her righteousness, and who, in his mind, will consider the circumspection of God.
He considers her ways in his heart, and he finds understanding in her secrets. He goes after her like an investigator, and he is constant in her ways.
He gazes through her windows, and he listens at her door.
He rests next to her house, and, fastening a peg in her walls, he sets up his cottage by her hands. And so, good things will find rest in his cottage as time passes.
He will station his sons under her covering, and he will abide under her branches.
He will be protected by her covering from the heat, and he will rest in her glory.


(a)14:12 From the context, ‘inferorum’ does not refer to Hell, but to dying and the grave. The word ‘inferorum’ has a broader meaning, sometimes referring to Hell itself, sometimes to death under adverse circumstances, and some times merely to death or the grave.(Conte)
(b)14:12 Covenant of hell:The decree by which all are to go down to the regions of death.(Challoner)

The evil of avarice: works of mercy are recommended, and the love of wisdom.

Blessed is the man who has not slipped with his mouth, and doesn’t suffer from sorrow for sins.
Blessed is he whose soul does not condemn him, and who has not given up hope.
Riches are not appropriate for a stingy person. What would a miser do with money?
He who gathers by denying himself gathers for others. Others will revel in his goods.
If one is mean to himself, to whom will he be good? He won’t enjoy his possessions.
There is none more evil than he who is grudging to himself. This is a punishment for his wickedness.
Even if he does good, he does it in forgetfulness. In the end, he reveals his wickedness.
A miser is evil. He turns away and disregards souls.
A covetous man’s eye is not satisfied with his portion. Wicked injustice dries up his soul.
A miser begrudges bread, and it is lacking at his table.
My son, according to what you have, treat yourself well, and bring worthy offerings to the Lord.
Remember that death will not wait, and that the covenant of Hades hasn’t been shown to you.
Do good to your friends before you die. According to your ability, reach out and give to them.
Don’t deprive yourself of a good day. Don’t let your share of a desired good pass you by.
Won’t you leave your labors to another, and your toils be divided by lot?
Give, take, and treat yourself well, because there is no seeking of luxury in Hades.
All flesh grows old like a garment, for the covenant from the beginning is, “You must die!”
Like the leaves flourishing on a thick tree, some it sheds, and some grow, so also are the generations of flesh and blood: one comes to an end and another is born.
Every work rots and falls away, and its builder will depart with it.
Blessed is the man who meditates on wisdom, and who reasons by his understanding.
He who considers her ways in his heart will also have knowledge of her secrets.
Go after her like a hunter, and lie in wait in her paths.
He who peers in at her windows will also listen at her doors.
He who lodges close to her house will also fasten a nail in her walls.
He will pitch his tent near at hand to her, and will lodge in a lodging where good things are.
He will set his children under her shelter, and will rest under her branches.
By her he will be covered from heat, and will lodge in her glory.