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The Book of Tobit (Tobias)

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 11 -

Tobias anoints his father’s eyes with the fish’s gall, and he recovers his sight.

And as they were returning, they came through to Haran, which is in the middle of the journey, opposite Nineveh, on the eleventh day.
And the Angel said: “Brother Tobias, you know how you left behind your father.
And so, if it pleases you, let us go on ahead, and let the family follow after us with a slower step, together with your bride, and with the animals.”
And since it pleased him to go on in this way, Raphael said to Tobias, “Take with you from the gall of the fish, for it will be necessary.” And so, Tobias took from its gall, and he went ahead.
But Anna sat beside the way every day, on the top of a hill, from where she would be able to see for a long distance.
And while she was watching for his arrival from that place, she looked far off, and soon she realized that her son was approaching. And running, she reported it to her husband, saying: “Behold, your son arrives.”
And Raphael said to Tobias: “As soon as you enter into your house, immediately adore the Lord your God. And, giving thanks to him, approach your father, and kiss him.
And immediately anoint his eyes from this gall of the fish, which you carry with you. For you should know that his eyes will soon be opened, and your father will see the light of heaven, and he will rejoice at the sight of you.”
Then the dog, which had been with them in the way, ran ahead, and, arriving like a messenger, he showed his joy by fawning and wagging his tail.(a)
And rising up, his blind father began to run, stumbling with his feet. And giving his hand to a servant, he ran on to meet his son.
And receiving him, he kissed him, as did his wife, and they both began to weep for joy.
And when they had adored God and had given thanks, they sat down together.
Then Tobias, taking from the gall of the fish, anointed his father’s eyes.
And about half an hour passed, and then a white film began to come out of his eyes, like the membrane of an egg.
So, taking hold of it, Tobias pulled it away from his eyes, and immediately he received his sight.
And they glorified God: Tobit especially, and his wife, and all those who knew him.
And Tobit said, “I bless you, O Lord God of Israel, because you have chastised me, and you have saved me, and behold, I see my son Tobias.”
And then, after seven days, Sarah, the wife of his son, and all the family arrived safely, along with the sheep, and the camels, and much money from his wife, but also with that money which he had received from Gabael.
And he explained to his parents all the benefits from God, which he had produced all around him, by means of the man who had led him.
And then Ahikar and Nadab arrived, the maternal first cousins of Tobias, rejoicing for Tobias, and congratulating with him for all the good things that God had revealed all around him.(b)
And for seven days they feasted, and all were rejoicing with great joy.


(a)11:9 The dog, etc:This may seem a very minute circumstance to be recorded in sacred history: but as we learn from our Saviour, St. Matt. 5:18, there are iotas and tittles in the word of God: that is to say, things that appear minute, but which have indeed a deep and mysterious meaning in them.(Challoner)
(b)11:20 Tobit and Tobias actually have the same name (the distinction of ‘it’ and ‘ias’ is an editorial device). But these cousins must be those related to the new wife of Tobias. They must have lived nearer to Tobit than to Raguel, so they came to Tobit’s home to rejoice with them.(Conte)

Tobias anoints his father’s eyes with the fish’s gall, and he recovers his sight.

After these things Tobias also went his way, blessing God because he had prospered his journey; and he blessed Raguel and Edna his wife. Then he went on his way until they drew near to Nineveh.
Raphael said to Tobias, “Don’t you know, brother, how you left your father?
Let’s run forward before your wife, and prepare the house.
But take in your hand the bile of the fish.” So they went their way, and the dog went after them.
Anna sat looking around toward the path for her son.
She saw him coming, and said to his father, “Behold, your son is coming with the man that went with him!”
Raphael said, “I know, Tobias, that your father will open his eyes.
Therefore anoint his eyes with the bile, and being pricked with it, he will rub, and will make the white films fall away. Then he will see you.”
Anna ran to him, and fell upon the neck of her son, and said to him, “I have seen you, my child! I am ready to die.” They both wept.
Tobit went toward the door and stumbled; but his son ran to him,
and took hold of his father. He rubbed the bile on his father’s eyes, saying, “Cheer up, my father.”
When his eyes began to hurt, he rubbed them.
Then the white films peeled away from the corners of his eyes; and he saw his son, and fell upon his neck.
He wept, and said, “Blessed are you, O God, and blessed is your name forever! Blessed are all your holy angels!
For you scourged, and had mercy on me. Behold, I see my son Tobias.” And his son went in rejoicing, and told his father the great things that had happened to him in Media.
Tobit went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nineveh, rejoicing and blessing God. Those who saw him go marveled, because he had received his sight.
Tobit gave thanks before them, because God had shown mercy on him. When Tobit came near to Sarah his daughter-in-law, he blessed her, saying, “Welcome, daughter! Blessed is God who has brought you to us, and blessed are your father and your mother.” And there was joy among all his kindred who were at Nineveh.
Achiacharus and Nasbas his brother’s son came. Tobias’ wedding feast was kept seven days with great gladness.