Das Wort Bin Ich

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 33 -

The fear of God is the best security. Times and men are in the hands of God. Take care of yourself as long as you live, and look after your servants.

No evils will befall one who fears the Lord. Instead, God will preserve him during temptation and will free him from evils.
A wise man does not hate the commandments and the justices, and so he will not be thrown about violently, like a ship in a storm.
A man of understanding puts his faith in the law of God, and so the law is faithful to him.
Whoever would resolve a dispute will prepare a word, and so, having prayed, he will be heard. And he will observe discipline, and then he will respond.
The heart of a fool is like the wheel of a cart. And his thoughts are like a turning axel.
A friend who is a whisperer is like an untamed horse: he neighs under anyone who sits upon him.(a)
Why does day follow after day, and light follow after light, and year follow after year, in accord with the sun?
By the knowledge of the Lord, they were arranged, after the sun was made, in keeping with his command.
And so, the seasons changed, with their feast days. And according to them, they celebrated the feast days, in their hour.
Some of them, God exalted and magnified. And some of them, he set amid the ordinary days. And all men are from the ground, and from the earth, from which Adam was created.
With a multitude of disciplines, the Lord has distinguished them and diversified their ways.
Some of them, he has blessed and exalted. And some of them he has sanctified and placed close to himself. And some of them, he has cursed and brought low, and he has turned them from their station.
Just as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so as to form and to shape it,
so are all his ways in accord with his dispensation, and so is man in the hand of the One who made him. And he will repay him according to his judgment.
Good is against evil, and life is against death; so also is a sinner against a just man. And so should you consider all the works of the Most High: two and two, and one against another.
And I awakened at the very end, and I was like one who gathers grapes after the grape-gatherers.
I, too, have hoped in the blessing of God. And I have filled the winepress like one who gathers grapes.
Consider how I have not labored for myself alone, but for all who are seeking discipline.
Listen to me, you great ones, with all the peoples. And incline your ears, you rulers of the Church.
You should not give authority over yourself to a son or wife, to a brother or friend, in your life. And you should not give your estate to another, lest perhaps you may regret it, and then you would be begging for the same.(b)
While you are still living and breathing, let no one among all flesh change you.(c)
For it is better if your children petition you, than if you look toward the hands of your children.
In all your works, be pre-eminent.(d)
You should not allow a blemish upon your glory. On the day of the consummation of the days of your life, at the time of your passing, distribute your inheritance.
Fodder and a rod and a burden are for a donkey; bread and discipline and work are for a servant.
He works under discipline, and he seeks rest. Allow his hands to be idle, and he seeks liberty.
The yoke and the strap bend a stiff neck, and continual labors bend a servant.
Torture and chains are for a malevolent servant; send him to work, so that he may not be idle.
For idleness has taught much evil.
Appoint him to a task. For this is fitting for him. And if he will not be obedient, bend him with chains. But you should do no more than any flesh can bear. Truly, you should do nothing grievous without judgment.
If you have a faithful servant, let him be to you like your own soul. Treat him like a brother. For you have obtained him by the blood of your soul.
If you harm him unjustly, he will turn away and flee.
And then, when he lifts himself up and departs, you will not know whom to ask, or in what way to seek him.


(a)33:6 The word ‘emissarius’ literally refers to something that his sent away, but in this context it refers to something that is uncontrollable or unmanageable.(Conte)
(b)33:20 The leaders of the Church should not give up their authority to another, lest they bitterly regret it.(Conte)
(c)33:21 Change you:That is, so as to have this power over you.(Challoner)
(d)33:23 The pre-eminence:That is, be master in thy own house, and part not with thy authority.(Challoner)

The fear of God is the best security. Times and men are in the hands of God. Take care of yourself as long as you live, and look after your servants.

No evil will happen to him who fears the Lord, but in trials once and again he will deliver him.
A wise man will not hate the law, but he who is a hypocrite about it is like a boat in a storm.
A man of understanding will put his trust in the law. And the law is faithful to him, as when one asks a divine oracle.
Prepare your speech, and so you will be heard. Bind up instruction, and make your answer.
The heart of a fool is like a cartwheel. His thoughts are like a rolling axle.
A stallion horse is like a mocking friend. He neighs under every one who sits upon him.
Why does one day excel another, when all the light of every day in the year is from the sun?
They were distinguished by the Lord’s knowledge, and he varied seasons and feasts.
Some of them he exalted and hallowed, and some of them he has made ordinary days.
And all men are from the ground. Adam was created from dust.
In the abundance of his knowledge the Lord distinguished them, and made their ways different.
Some of them he blessed and exalted, and some of them he made holy and brought near to himself. Some of them he cursed and brought low, and overthrew them from their place.
As the clay of the potter in his hand, all his ways are according to his good pleasure, so men are in the hand of him who made them, to render to them according to his judgment.
Good is the opposite of evil, and life is the opposite of death; so(a) the sinner is the opposite of the godly.
Look upon all the works of the Most High like this, they come in pairs, one against another.
I was the last on watch, like one who gleans after the grape gatherers.
By the Lord’s blessing I arrived before them, and filled my winepress like one who gathers grapes.
Consider that I labored not for myself alone, but for all those who seek instruction.
Hear me, you great men of the people, and listen with your ears, you rulers of the congregation.
To son and wife, to brother and friend, don’t give power over yourself while you live, and don’t give your goods to another, lest you regret it and must ask for them.
While you still live and breath is in you, don’t give yourself over to anybody.
For it is better that your children should ask from you than that you should look to the hand of your children.
Excel in all your works. Don’t bring a stain on your honor.
In the day that you end the days of your life, in the time of death, distribute your inheritance.
Fodder, a stick, and burdens are for a donkey. Bread, discipline, and work are for a servant.
Set your slave to work, and you will find rest. Leave his hands idle, and he will seek liberty.
Yoke and thong will bow the neck. For an evil slave there are racks and tortures.
Send him to labor, that he not be idle, for idleness teaches much mischief.
Set him to work, as is fit for him. If he doesn’t obey, make his fetters heavy.
Don’t be excessive toward any. Do nothing unjust.
If you have a slave, treat him like yourself, because you have bought him with blood.
If you have a slave, treat him like yourself. For like your own soul, you will need him. If you treat him ill, and he departs and runs away,
which way will you go to seek him?


(a)33:14 A line of this verse is here omitted by the best authorities.